Shirley is doing well, she is off her ventilator. This is great news. She is back on a high-flow but they expected to still need some breathing support after she was taken off her vent. She is also much more aware! She is looking around a lot! It so great to see those pretty little eyes looking back at you! She is making good progress so hopefully we will be moving out of the CICU within the next few days!
Unfortunately though we found out that our house has been broken into. We aren't sure when it happened but it certainly happened! My in-laws stopped by the house today to pick some stuff up and bring it to us but when they walked in the door the house was a wreck and there was no mistaking it. Our house was plundered with all the usual stuff missing: TV, iPad, DVD player, tools, and who knows what else. Hopefully we will be able to get back soon and do an inventory of what is missing. Sometimes things just don't make sense. Please keep our family in your prayers as we now try to tackle how to deal with the break in on top of little Shirley's issues.
Sometimes when it rains it pours. The sun always manages to come back out and brighten things up though. We look forward to bringing our wonderful little daughter home and expect that good can come even from a robbery. We have a strong belief that all things happen for a reason and that we will truly find good in all of these trials. Thanks for your prayers.
Here are a couple of pictures! One from last night and one from this afternoon. We had a wonderful nurse last night who thought it would be okay if Brianna held Shirley for a few moments while she changed her bedding! It was a chore getting everything situated but we managed! That was the first time Brianna had held her since Tuesday! The last one was taken only a few hours ago right after she was taken off the vent!